Ritual Salt
Ritual Salt, Black Salt, Witches Salt, Protection Salt, Santeria Salt, Hoodoo Salt.
Black Salt is used in magic & rituals by Pagans & Wiccans to banish bad energy, cleanse spaces & protect against negativity. It can be spread just about anywhere to drive away that which may want to do you harm, whether it be physical or spiritual. Black Salt can also be used to lift jinxes or hexes. There’s an old folk saying “Salt does what you tell it to”. It’s great all around for protection for yourself, your home, and your family & protects from anger, jealousy, resentment & other negative emotions. It also helps with nightmares.
-Banish negativity by walking counter clockwise around the boundaries of your property, sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt.
-Ward off evil by sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt outside all the doors and windows of your home. if there is a particular person you wish to keep out of your home, say their name and the reason you wish. to keep them out.
-To prevent nightmares, place a little Witch’s Salt in a dish or small pouch beside your bed or place the dish or pouch underneath your bed. Alternatively sprinkle a little Witch’s Salt beneath your bed.
-Place a small bowl of Black Salt on your alter to represent the Earth element for New Moon rituals.
-Use in Samhain rituals or rituals involving spirits or ancestors.
-Add half to one teaspoon of Witch’s Black Salt to bath water to cleanse yourself of negativity, anger, relieve depression etc. Wash yourself from the top downwards. Clean the bath afterwards to wash away any residue and negativity.
Ritual Salt, Black Salt, Witches Salt, Protection Salt, Santeria Salt, Hoodoo Salt.
Black Salt is used in magic & rituals by Pagans & Wiccans to banish bad energy, cleanse spaces & protect against negativity. It can be spread just about anywhere to drive away that which may want to do you harm, whether it be physical or spiritual. Black Salt can also be used to lift jinxes or hexes. There’s an old folk saying “Salt does what you tell it to”. It’s great all around for protection for yourself, your home, and your family & protects from anger, jealousy, resentment & other negative emotions. It also helps with nightmares.
-Banish negativity by walking counter clockwise around the boundaries of your property, sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt.
-Ward off evil by sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt outside all the doors and windows of your home. if there is a particular person you wish to keep out of your home, say their name and the reason you wish. to keep them out.
-To prevent nightmares, place a little Witch’s Salt in a dish or small pouch beside your bed or place the dish or pouch underneath your bed. Alternatively sprinkle a little Witch’s Salt beneath your bed.
-Place a small bowl of Black Salt on your alter to represent the Earth element for New Moon rituals.
-Use in Samhain rituals or rituals involving spirits or ancestors.
-Add half to one teaspoon of Witch’s Black Salt to bath water to cleanse yourself of negativity, anger, relieve depression etc. Wash yourself from the top downwards. Clean the bath afterwards to wash away any residue and negativity.
Ritual Salt, Black Salt, Witches Salt, Protection Salt, Santeria Salt, Hoodoo Salt.
Black Salt is used in magic & rituals by Pagans & Wiccans to banish bad energy, cleanse spaces & protect against negativity. It can be spread just about anywhere to drive away that which may want to do you harm, whether it be physical or spiritual. Black Salt can also be used to lift jinxes or hexes. There’s an old folk saying “Salt does what you tell it to”. It’s great all around for protection for yourself, your home, and your family & protects from anger, jealousy, resentment & other negative emotions. It also helps with nightmares.
-Banish negativity by walking counter clockwise around the boundaries of your property, sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt.
-Ward off evil by sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt outside all the doors and windows of your home. if there is a particular person you wish to keep out of your home, say their name and the reason you wish. to keep them out.
-To prevent nightmares, place a little Witch’s Salt in a dish or small pouch beside your bed or place the dish or pouch underneath your bed. Alternatively sprinkle a little Witch’s Salt beneath your bed.
-Place a small bowl of Black Salt on your alter to represent the Earth element for New Moon rituals.
-Use in Samhain rituals or rituals involving spirits or ancestors.
-Add half to one teaspoon of Witch’s Black Salt to bath water to cleanse yourself of negativity, anger, relieve depression etc. Wash yourself from the top downwards. Clean the bath afterwards to wash away any residue and negativity.